Thursday, July 15, 2010

unsoundable complaints

When we were asked about the problems we had been facing during housemanship... i think there will be an endless list. And when the next question throwed to u which is.. did seniors do anything bad to u or bully you or taking you for grunted.. the floor turn into silence. Why?? lots of questions will appear in the mind... And before voicing out anything, we need to think, filter and extra filter so that we wont hurt anybody besides getting what we want. However, its kinda hard as these complaints are not general to everyone, but specifically to certain ppl. We cannot make it as a prototype saying that this senior sucks, so everybody who is a so called 'senior' will be grouped in a category or being put in a bucket..

An issue arise when u really wana voice it out but you know u cant. Why?? cos with a mature thinking and good emotional intellligence, u know this matter wont be solved by other ppl but yourself. If u dont make it as an issue, it wont be an issue after all... But if the patience has already offf limits, u have the eagerness and hesitancy to splurt everything out at one time. Nvertheless, your subconscious mind told you not to do so as it wont bring any benefit but to create more chaos to the society or to the other unrelevant ppl.

What is the best way to solve a problem..
1. when you are being bullied blindly as those ppl who is elderly than u jus wan to take advantages on those so called ' stupid' jr by giving wrong information or more towards ignorance.. Is ignorance a bliss in this settings?? of course not..
2. when you know that its not your fault and you are being backstabbed by someone who is a known case of lazy worms, jus to show off during ward rounds to impress bosses. when you are jus doing your job, they will hate you like hell and describe u as a mirror that reflects away their brightness. HOW ON EARTH can they get such an idea while you are doing nothing wrong..

Sometimes, you can just keep quiet after those hard cores and endlesss jobs with 36 hrs staying awake ended up being scolded or criticised that u r blocking the brightness in them (although during daylights). Its a voiceless message that i am trying to convey but a pointless ones.

So, there's no point discussing pointless topic. To end it up... i shall only say to myself. Keep quiet and do your job. thats the best answer after all

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