Friday, July 16, 2010

Choices and Decisions

YES or NO.. TRUE or FALSE.. RIGHT or WRONG.... these statements bother us most of the time.. which is which.. who to believe... which one to follow... what is the best choice....

Most of the time, we do things base on our instincts. Every times we decide on something, it is a balance between id, ego and superego. In layman term per say, there will be mixture of your common sense, wisdom, personality and emotional intelligence. However, everyone has different thinking and opinion. So, they decide differently although they are dealing with the same issue. To correlate it in my daily life, i have many collegues, many ppl under me and above me. There is a network connection between those working under the same roof. And the fact is everyone has their own frequency and channels in the sense of thinking and preference. This creates a complex human behaviour.

To be frank, ego put a larger percentage when it comes to making decision. The ego is a component of personality especially when dealing with reality.And talking about personality, it builds up from your background moulding you into a human with unique characteristic. Hence, what is in the outside will be the reflections from the inside. Your inner self or personality will be acting like a preset mind which will makes u act/ behave according to what you learn. So, our so called ' fight and flight' responses are different in the sense of how we react when dealing with hardships, obstacles or problems. And this preset mind has ego moulding inside . That make things complicated.

To cut the crap, i will apply it to my current bleeding issues which blunted my decision making ability. As i mentioned, everyone has their own thoughts. So, trouble happens when you have many bosses in queue.. this one order A, that one order B, and the other ones order you to do C.. So, at the end of the day, confusion happens. What should be done? A , B or C ? or A+B+C? or dont do anything at all.. which is which.. Can we do half and dont do the other half?? If i dint do the other half, i will be blamed for not following the orders. Standing in the heats, you will lost your decisive ability as those things are related to human life and undeniably are serious matters. Acting according to our instincts might be wrong at times. And the point is there is no room for mistakes. So, i am carrying a big stones behind my back which is to do everything ordered and confirm i will work until i wear and tear. But if i miss something relevant by doing things selectively, i dont really trust my instincts.

I cant blame anybody as we all are complex human beings. And according to my bosses experiences and skills with all the hardships that they had been through, they can decide things which they think will be the best for the particular patient. As quoted from our rule of thumb ~ DO NO HARM. But leaving the middle man bleeding without active management is kinda cruel i guess ... Which one is the most accurate ones? who has the right to decide everything..

One more bleeding issues arise from here. Is there any right or wrong in life? How to define right and how to define wrong... which is true and which is false... Guess there wont be any answer for that forever. Safe your breath from asking those questions. There are points to and points against in each statement. It depends on how you analyse and how you see it. If you think its wrong, no one can say its right. Cos these are your assumptions and your own ego. Sometimes, its good to stay in a grey area and stand on the fence. In that way, everything will go smoothly. You wont differentiate hatred or love, basic or complicated, should or shouldnt and do or donts.
But, the problem is staying in a grey zone dont make you a human. It is like a chicken on the fence, that will fall down to either sides when the wind or tornado comes in.

My conclusion is there is no conclusion.. This is just another uninteresting blog written by me after 36 hrs working.. tired, exhausted and GREY...
gonna be black soon as i am gonna sleep edy.. zzZZZZ...


  1. This is the post that has been most relevant to you as a whole and it brought into focus a number of choices and decisions that you’ve made including choices that were the results of decisions.
    YES or NO.. TRUE or FALSE.. RIGHT or WRONG....which one to pick? In your case the right decisions is critical. Like you said, 'Acting according to our instincts might be wrong at times. And the point is there is no room for mistakes.' Tough decision in the making especially on medical issues. Trust yourself and make that decision.

  2. yahhh... must be constantly sniffing for my own instincts..
