Monday, August 30, 2010

Need GPS Guidance..

Everyday, waking up in the morning, thinking of the vicious cycle.. which are working, eating and sleeping..This is the cycle most ppl have. But for some ppl, they make the fullness of it. And the others, they can just sigh and say.. '' The never ending cycle''. And to admit it, i am one of them..

Things dont go smoothly as we hoped for, as we asked for or as we desire for. It can go haywire and uncontrollable.Quoted from my pt, '' It comes aggressively like a tornado, and it ended silently as the ants crawling away.'' Somesay, future lie on our hand. But in real life, it doesnt happen to be that way. The more we tried to make things right, the more mistakes we do. The more cautious u are, the more stress you created and as things dont go as smoothly as u wish for.. The more dissapointment u opt for..

Sigh... Sigh .. Sigh... Those motivators encourage us to do as we want, to do without being cautious about the risk and consequences. Is it appropriate? can we follow? Ya.. the fact is that we tend to be rebellious, the more ppl want us to accomplish, the more barrier we build to defend ourselves from going thru all these. Cos in the bottom of our heart, if we can follow our heart, we want to be freed from any commitment and responsibilities, acting and becoming the utmost BARBIE DOLL who is always in perfection and never failed in obeying orders. We are what we are. But most of the times, we could not be the person we are inside. Wearing masks are required for most of the time. Cos we need to filter off all the negatives in ourselves and trying to be the perfect one in other ppl's view. To what cost? To what extend?
'' Till death can does be apart...''

As time goes by, with the weak spirit and strength,nevertheless, the stamina weakens and the shining 99K white gold will fade. Even the best carving in the world will be ended up eaten by the white ants. The non-livings cant even last, what can we expect a normal human being to sustain something that doesnt belong to him or her...

Most of the time, we lost tracks .. When the journey begins, we have to walk along the way. There is no destiny.. Being unable to see whats in front is a true challenge. Some ppl been thru lots of obstacles along the way, but those who have a better luck, things go smooth sail even they close one eye in leading their life. When there are lots of obstacles to face, the battling spirit getting thinner and thinner. And at the end of the day, it will be as thin as a fog and easily blew away by the wind.The question is.. If the wind can blow you off, so what if tornado comes in...

If disaster comes, we will start losing our track as things get splattered and scattered around ,hence, we can hardly allocate something to grip on.Alas, we lose hold.. and we lose our way.. Without a compass, we will be wondering around to get our way out. Hmm.. Is there any GPS guidance? What will be there when there is nothing here.. No idea...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Meaningful quotes

I watched a movie entitled recently. Find out that some phrases are meaningful.. It says that.. 'everything you see exist, i can see other ppl,i can see into other ppl's eyes. i can see my hands, but i cannot see myself, so do i really exist? Why i am me and not somebody else'

It applies to our life. We can only know how ppl look likes, the face, the smile, the hair and the attitudes... We can see what ppl do for life.. But we cannot see ourself. SO do we really exist? We could not see mirror every moment every time to reassure purselves that we really exist. The only thing we know is we can control our body, mind and soul.. So, occasionally we will forget who we are cos we only see who other ppl are... not ourselves. We dont remember what we do time to time but others will. They couldnt see themselves but they can look at u, observing what u do and comment on u at certain circumstances.

Another sayings quoted from the movie are as as such '' If we mix mash potatoes and sauce ,we cant separate it later,it lasts forever. The smokes that came out from the ciggarrate wont go back in, when the time tick tocks and time passes, we cant go back. So, its hard to choose. You have to make choices and of course the right ones. As long as you don choose , everything remain possible.''

I like the last sentence whereby if we are in a big jungle without a compass, trying to make choices of which directions to go and where it might lead to.. You will also think about the consequences and whether u are making the right choice. You will used up a lot of energy considering this and that .. Not only wasting your time and also burning off your calories in no time. Living in a complicated life awith many choices to make.. sometimes you really want to make it simple. As such that we live with a principle of ' come what may'. With these, your brain wont be so congested and confused and your nervous system connections wont get burned due to overvoltage .. As long as you dont choose and let it come by itself, everything remains possible. Hope it will be applicable in jobs where if you don create a demarcations between love and hate... you will have more rooms of improvements and more enthusiasm in anything you do... cos you don even think twice when doing it.
Just do it...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The truth about government hospitals

Ever since i stepped into medical life as being a medical students, i had received or heard lots of complaints regarding the bad attitude and services of the doctors in government hospitals. At that time, i only heard from one side which were the complaints from the patients or those in concern.Seriously, before i started my job, I kept my finger cross so that i wont repeat their mistakes after i become a doctor.
However, starting from the day i become a hseman, i start to realise there are 2 sides of the stories. As i am in the doctor's shoe, i realise that everything is not under my control. As i was in charged in the clinic, i started seeing patients. However, i was not a qualified doctor yet. So, a lot of consultations from the medical officer were needed. And to look at a clear view of the scenario, actually in the clinic, there were 8 hseman in charge and 2-3 medical officers with 1-2 specialist. So, hseman job is to make sure the patient's history clear enough and to find out his or her current condition besides identifiying the pathology in the patients. To reconfirm it, we need to consult the medical officers for 2nd opinion and definite decisions. Base on their experiences, they will make the right call. And with limited MO's and specialist and tonnes of patient waiting outside, what we need to do to prevent patient from waiting long are to act fast, manage fast and then to attend the patient ASAP to prevent patient from waiting too long.
However , the complaints that i heard were listed as below.....
1. the doctors are busy writing and lack of explaining.
2. the doctors see patient for less than 5 minutes with lack of concern
and the list goes on...
However, if they can think it in our shoes, in a government hospital with lots of patients in queue, its impossible to keep the patient stagnant inside the clinic till late in the evening. We need to be fair to everybody.Patients also need to work. They cant take leave for whole day just for a clinic visit.There are lots of things we need to consider. We need to act fast and the process of double consultations plus for a precise management already taken some time. So, its impossible to entertain patient for so long and besides filling up their follow up cards for a clearer view with precise diagnosis during next visit and also for medicolegal purposes. So, the so called lack of concern comes in.. The true hard facts are that the Medical officers and the housemans are actually handling ward cases and also clinic cases at the same time. Sometimes, we need to keep ourselves in hunger until the clinics finish and at times, there are also ward cases that need to be settled that make us starve until the evening. If anybody could understand this... there will be mutual undertandings between everyone and no more complaining and frictions will happen.
I am not defending for the doctors .. but standing as the medical personalle view.. i could only say that its not that we are lack of empathy or care, its out of our control whereby there are lots of patient ( approx. 150 patient per day ) in ratio of the doctors amount. So, there will be some messy conditions happen. Hopefully by these clear cut of explainations, ppl will start to view things at different angle as there are reasons behind each issues.

The fishing concept...

Life is like fishing... What you catch is what you get.. Everyday,fishermen go out to the sea.. They fish for living.. But they could not predict what they will get. They wont hope for something impossible like catching little sharky, 'memo' or water dragon for the day.

So is life.. We cant ask for things that we could not possibly get..What is yours will be yours. What is not yours , just let it go. We cant force it to come when things dont belong to us. Its like holding a grasp of sand. If we hold it too tight, we will lose more. Asking for more creates more frustrations and anger.. But the issue here is why cant we ask for more? Can we? Is it wrong of wanting something too desperately and couldnt let it go .... Its life we are talking about. Its our inner self that craves for things that we dont have and we want to have it no matter what it takes.

Why i put out this issue is that i heard from a friend of mine that a friend of his wants to be a doctor. He really struggle hard in order to get good results in SPM and STPM. And alas, he get straight A's for his A level. The hope is getting higher and the dreams are about to come true. He wants to get a local uni or get scholarships so that he can achieve the sky high ambition. However, it ended up in dissapointment. As usual, life cant be smooth sail all along.. There are obstacles that we need to face. However, he wont give up .. There are sacrifices behind the desperado he is having. To get at least 300K to go oversease to fulfil his destiny is not a small amount. For financial wise, family sacrifices are needed for sure .

Its a scenario that not only a few of us facing in regard of ways that we manipulate things in order to get stuffs that we want in life. Is it worth a sacrifice? Cant we just follow the trails as being set for us and move on like what other ppl do. Must we strive that hard, to go thru dozens of hardships to get a feeling of satisfactions. Getting up from fall is a painful procedure especially it is done repeatedly. In the middle of nowhere, sometimes u will feel scare, feel lonely and having million attempts to give up. To pass thru the dark side in order to get to the brighter side, it requires a lot of sacrifices and strength. It is not merely a simple stepping stones. Thats the sacrifices that need to be made in order to get what you really wanted in life. At some moments of time, you wil even ask yourself.. Is it worth trying? Am i in the right track?

And the problem is ... is becoming a doctor so good? haha.. i really couldnt answer this question though i am sitting here in front of my laptop , labeling myself as a doctor .To me, its just a job..its not an easy money.. every cents earn according to your own effort. Working 36 hrs during oncalls.. And having backaches, headaches, heartaches and u name it.. any aches will do..

Hmmm.. with all the sacrifices made by ppl these days.. it keeps me wondering.. Is ambition a big thing until a person can sell their properties..transitioning from rich to rack just to grab the opportunity to turn into a white collar saint instead of a simple person who seize the day by holding the concept of ' come what may'..

No idea... another food for thoughts..

Post-call Sharings....

Huhh.. currently post calls after working for 2 days... Having ''indigestions'' in the sense that there is so much thing to highlight here..

Lets talk about the upsetting part first. A part of me compiled a lot of sadness.. Those who had been accumulated from the day i started working till now.. Its the sufferings that a normal working ppl might be having. The scolding part and the blaming part play a big role for my sadness. This morning, i was accidentally given a job.. (as i passed by that area) whereby it was thrown to me without any further order or instructions.Then i was figuring out how to handle it..And i barely know what or how to do it. So, i jus do according to the simple order and ended up with disaster. I wasnt being informed that i have to do bla bla bla stuff... And i was ended up being scolded like a piece of shit.. Wat a nuisance.....

I think its a small matter only but i kept feeling upset for almost the whole day. After some deep thoughts..only then i figure out there are many things that occur the whole day.. A little of sarcasm, a little of criticism and in combination of a little scoldings. Then it builds up gradually until it reaches a mountain high of pain and sadness.. ANd with that, it has already crosses my threshold and i nearly blown up. I know that deep inside, i deserved to be happy .. Why? cos i do nothing wrong. And i was just trying to make things right.

But no matter what i do, there are mistakes occur...Why? Due to dissatisfactions. Cos i cant satisfy everybody. I am trying to be careful of everything that i do.. And try to be conscious about patient's feeling and emotions besides filtering things that need to be filtered before voicing out anything. The defence part that i used eventually wear off at the end of 2 days( or even longer).

Though i did do some tricks (like cheating the patient who continuously 24hrs need my help for something which cause such a nuisance...) There is one patient who ordered me to give him drugs that can reduce swelling in his legs.He asked for about ten times in a day while obviously his leg was not swollen at all.. He wouldnt stop nagging at me. And at last, what i can think about is PLACEBO.. I gave him water injections and told him that it was very effective in reducing swelling.. The next morning.. he told everybidy that i gave him a miracle drugs and the swelling resolved much. Hmm.. Do i worth a praise? eventually not...

I am holding a princip of ' service with a smile' but it works in only certain ways but having reverese reactions on the other way. Why i say so? cos ppl thinks that i am not easy to get angry and easier to be bullied. Can be a qualified punching bag without considering that i am actually a painful sack after all the punches.. I have my own ego and anger. Its just that i know anger dont work in either way. But to swallow it in silence is a painful and stressful task to fulfil. If anger works, the world will be having more and more wars.Endless chaos and crisis... What for..
So i need to advise myself to be patience... patient..

Ok.. untolerable.. Need a sleep to forget everything. Tomorrow will be another beautiful day ...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Your life, your call

When i was starting my housemanship days, i barely know anything. I can't even decide for any tiny miny things , for example how to manage high glucose level, hypertension or worst enough, how to manage a patient when the BP crashed. I have no idea how to deal with any of it. Whenever the staff nurses asked me , i will be so confused, i started cracking my head searching for answers. Idiotly, i would say,'' wait arr... i ask other ppl first. Later i will get back to you.'' Thats what i did for weeks. My mind nearly exploded with questions, questions and unsolvable questions... I will keep hoping for anybody to pass by so that i can beg them for answers. At that moment, i had only one principal, TRUST. So, i just need to trust everybody in order to get things in aligned and so that my job will no be stagnated for miles.I cant put my job in jeopardy cos i was still new at it and its not my fault of not knowing anything. However i dint realize the fact that there are 2 types of ppl in this community, somebody who wanted to help you and also somebody who intended to fail you.

There are some attempts that ppl tried to make use of your trust to betray you. They set u up without u even notice. The moment you noticed it, you are already facing the consequence of blind trust. A question popped up... why ppl do so? why ppl can be so ignorance and so arrogant? Food for thoughts..

Hard to blame them.. We need to survive in the society. There are rivals, there are comepetitions.. We need to get things well organised and at the same time gain trust from the bosses and become the best among the rest. This is jus a method of survival. Its your rice bowls that you are protecting. No harm done..

As for the victims per say, i need to be more precautious of any decision i made. Because of the trust, i was scolded by my bosses many time though i did nothing wrong. I jus asked and follow whatever ppl told me. I was just trying to make things right. But i have to bear the brunt on all my actions. From that time onwards, i am more aware of what i am dealing with. As time goes by, i gain more experience and skills from what i had been thru and what i had learned. Eventually, its my call ... I have to decide what is the best for the patient and to minimise the consequences if possible. Trust has already faded.. Confidence comes in..

Yah.. we can trust ppl but we need to be selective at times. You wont know who is actually the angel and who is the devil who is backstabbing you from behind. Its not that we are being too judgemental. No one s perfect. We know that.. But in every human being, we are well prepared with all sorts of defences. We have a shield in front of us. We dont live in fairy tales. When it comes to real life, everyone stands out. But at the same times, they will try to protect themselves in any circumstences.Avoid from being hurt, avoid of being the victim in the endless war..

So, to stand out,first u have to stand straight. Trust is a big issue and the consequences can cost you a life. Think about it....For me,i still have a long way to go..There are still tonnes of things i havent learn. I need cumulative experiences to get things right on track. Its my life, it will be my call. Keep the finger cross...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Plausible Deniability

The truth is people are born, grow old, get sick and eventually die. Its a life cycle.. Its the fact that we must admit. Standing at the entrance of the hospital, i see many ppl come and go. People that walks in with wheel chairs ,crutches, casts with the head or limbs bandaged or even with bruises all over the body.They are here to be treated and mostly are due to trauma or sickness.. In their faces, i can see mixed emotions ~ irritated, sickly and frustrated. Somehow, there are people who are happy go lucky type and just laugh it off with their sickness. The truth is no one wants to be in the hospital if nothing goes wrong.

Walking along the way to the ward, there are thosef ppl who are more sickly that need to be admitted for further management. In the ward, you can see more intense emotions in them. As in orthopaedic, ppl come in with trauma.. with the limbs got fracture or lacerations. Everyone of them come in with pain which varies in term of intensity as each ppl has different threshold of pain. The utmost part of it is the anger, the frustrations and the denial whereby they dont want to be admitted. They are here due to accidents,industrial injury, trivial injury or even domestic injuries at home.. Accidents happen. Its life.. we cannot control these from happening but it does happen out of our will. Unfortunately, all of us have our superego inside. We denies it.and it ends up in anger and frustrations. So, the pain threshold gettting lower and lower. The pain will get more intense for sure.

I see many ppl came in with tears.. However, as a first liner, we could not let them cool down and let the family members take care of it before we try to attend them. We need to ask them what happen and what miseries they had gone thru in no time. Hell i know that asking things like allergy , personal history will make ppl more irritated.What to do, thats the routine part of it.. Its so not good when we are asking these things when they are held up in tears.

In trauma cases especially open fracture, we need to do irrigation on the wound. It is the most cruel part where we are using copious amount of salines to flush off the dirts and contaminations of the wound. The patients will be yelling and screaming in pain and begging us to stop torturing them. Its not up to them to decide it as we are doing the right thing at the right time. We try to manipulate it as gentle as we could not help it but the pain is there. I had experience it all the time but the most frustrated part is when i am doing it in the middle of the night. They will scream until it echoed to the whole ward. The toughest part that i need to go thru is they will hate me for life as i am inducing more pain for good. I am the devil !!

Some ppl cant accept the fact that it is just an accident. No one wants it. With a fracture on, they just don want to accept that they need to be operated to get cured. Though the person are in their fifties or sixties , they will undergo transitions of becoming a kid who couldnt decide maturely. What they want is to go back and no one will ever touch them again..

I undertstand this point as if i am in their shoes, i will do that too (touch wood). But the funniest part i ever seen is that the whole family has the same thinking. Opt for conservative treatment~ massage or chiropractic therapy for a fracture?? oh my god. All the persuasions and explainations play no roles in changing their mind. They jus want to be discharged home at their own risk. What a plausible deniability .... How is it possible for a person to go back home with the limbs deformed and unable to move with additions of pain and swelling.. Sweat (-_-)'''

Its hard to understand human.. and its hard to change ppl's mind. I guess all we can do is to decide the best for them besides giving them alternatives.