Monday, August 30, 2010

Need GPS Guidance..

Everyday, waking up in the morning, thinking of the vicious cycle.. which are working, eating and sleeping..This is the cycle most ppl have. But for some ppl, they make the fullness of it. And the others, they can just sigh and say.. '' The never ending cycle''. And to admit it, i am one of them..

Things dont go smoothly as we hoped for, as we asked for or as we desire for. It can go haywire and uncontrollable.Quoted from my pt, '' It comes aggressively like a tornado, and it ended silently as the ants crawling away.'' Somesay, future lie on our hand. But in real life, it doesnt happen to be that way. The more we tried to make things right, the more mistakes we do. The more cautious u are, the more stress you created and as things dont go as smoothly as u wish for.. The more dissapointment u opt for..

Sigh... Sigh .. Sigh... Those motivators encourage us to do as we want, to do without being cautious about the risk and consequences. Is it appropriate? can we follow? Ya.. the fact is that we tend to be rebellious, the more ppl want us to accomplish, the more barrier we build to defend ourselves from going thru all these. Cos in the bottom of our heart, if we can follow our heart, we want to be freed from any commitment and responsibilities, acting and becoming the utmost BARBIE DOLL who is always in perfection and never failed in obeying orders. We are what we are. But most of the times, we could not be the person we are inside. Wearing masks are required for most of the time. Cos we need to filter off all the negatives in ourselves and trying to be the perfect one in other ppl's view. To what cost? To what extend?
'' Till death can does be apart...''

As time goes by, with the weak spirit and strength,nevertheless, the stamina weakens and the shining 99K white gold will fade. Even the best carving in the world will be ended up eaten by the white ants. The non-livings cant even last, what can we expect a normal human being to sustain something that doesnt belong to him or her...

Most of the time, we lost tracks .. When the journey begins, we have to walk along the way. There is no destiny.. Being unable to see whats in front is a true challenge. Some ppl been thru lots of obstacles along the way, but those who have a better luck, things go smooth sail even they close one eye in leading their life. When there are lots of obstacles to face, the battling spirit getting thinner and thinner. And at the end of the day, it will be as thin as a fog and easily blew away by the wind.The question is.. If the wind can blow you off, so what if tornado comes in...

If disaster comes, we will start losing our track as things get splattered and scattered around ,hence, we can hardly allocate something to grip on.Alas, we lose hold.. and we lose our way.. Without a compass, we will be wondering around to get our way out. Hmm.. Is there any GPS guidance? What will be there when there is nothing here.. No idea...


  1. style is to anticipate what i will be facing when i enter a new stage, its advantage is you can set your mind earlier and be as ready as possible when the real thing starts

    The only problem using this is, there will always be something unexpected that will throw you off balance, this stage is crucial as the way you deal with it will affect the overall outcome

    How to know which solution is right? well, there's no one absolute solution. What you can do is cross match it with your previous experience; or find someone who had gone through it and discuss with him

    Like i said so many times, life is about making choices, but the thing is you will only know whether the choice you made was the right one or not AFTER you walk through the whole process...which is why there's a saying "learn through experience"

    As for you, i would only say: tough it out for these 2 years, then when approaching the end, evaluate again, where you want to go from there.

    As for the mask, like i said b4: "you're not who you are underneath, its what you do that defines you" its reality, everyone wears a mask when they go out, the only different is, are they wearing the mask, or is the mask wearing them?

  2. don't think so much, just move along. being uncertain is a legitimate feeling but don't let it consume you.

    it's the uncertainty that makes life interesting. if you have everything known way ahead of time, what's the excitement and anticipation?

    Take it as a trek up the mountain. At the foot of the mountain you set your sight on the summit and then just go. The rest is just part of the journey. Who knows what we'll meet? But at least you know each step takes you closer to that summit you've set your sight on =)
