Friday, June 18, 2010

1st day in orthopaedics

After 2 days of orientations in HBP, i was immediately being allocated to orthopedic ward. Blankly without any guidance, i went to see the head of department to intro myself .I was given a briefing abregarding the department's activity such as the orthopedic conference, CME, and mortality conference.. At that time, it was 5pm . I was thinking i could still have some time to go bec and prepare for work next day by reading some notes for backups. Unbelievably, i was asked to work immediately until 11pm that day. and then tagging from 7am to 11pm for the next 14 days.
Fuhh... with a scary feeling, i went to the allocated ward to intro myself to everybody. My first intro to my collegues was when they were doing wound debridement on a patient. And the funny thing is that one of my collegue~ holding a blade,with mask and apron saying halo to me..and the other one sitting on the bed in the treatment room, writing folders. There was also a crowd watching the procedures. In a mixed and confusing environment, i was accepted to be a part of them.
Initially, i was very scared and blank. Out of a sudden, i got a job to be done which is to take blood from poor GCS patient. I was thinking that it might be an easy stuff. But unfortunately, when i see the patient, i got shocked. he was hemiplegic with a stiff flexed elbow and pronated forearm while the other hand was all bumped and there was an IV drip in situ. Hmm.. as a freshie , i was so blank. I try to stretch the hemiplegic parts so that i can get blood from there.. And for sure, i failed to do so.. I was alone dealing with the patient. I looked at him and weirdly, he was lookking at me too.. we stared at each other for seconds. Then , something strikes me.. Oh yah.. I need to ask ppl.. Fortunately, i got an answer which is to take from the femoral artery. What a relief...
Another problem arise.. I never took blood from there.. swt(-_-)''''
What to do.. how.. why... what... all the 4W and 1H floating in my mind.. I never thought blood taking can be such a headache. I started to regret why i dint learn more in uni. but no matter what, i need to get the blood. So, i took a deep breath and gave my shot... Got it ! Happily, i labeled the bottle and sent the blood for investigations..
At that moment of time, i learned something. I should know how to figure things out myself. Don be too rigid and learn to be flexible by using more common sense instead of cow sense. Besides, i can also ask people.. No harm of asking while u can have some ideas on what to do... Overall, i gained something for the day.
Back home at 11 something.. flipping the 1st page of the orthopedic notes.. slept..

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